Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy birthdayS Kara!!!

Kara had a birthday tis passed week...that lasted like 4 days! Her husband, with a tiny bit of help, organized 2 parties (one known about and the other one was a total surprise) and a 3 days vacations for her this year! It was a lot of fun to celebrate the birth of the best friend you could ask for! Love you Kara!!

Before the surprise party

Adam running for the very last second cupcakes
(thanks babe)

And the birthday girl got home...

Kara and Cherea are the "real" sisters. Then Kelli being married to Ben makes her a sister as well. And me? I'm just adopted!:) Did I mention how much I love (and am gonna miss) my gorgeous sisters?

1 comment:

treehugger said...

I was so surprised! I have the best husband and friends in the whole world! We will miss you Annie. And Josan... Okay and we might miss Adam just a tiny bit. :). SUre love you guys.