I know everybody and their mom is already missing summer but i'm LOVING this fall weather! We've been doing pretty good and have been doing a lot of thinking too. We have wanted to grow our family for about 4 1/2 years now. Although we feel blessed beyond words to have Josan as the wonderful son that he is in our lives, we would love, more than anything in the world, to grow our family and the love that we have. So after years of trying, planning, doing artificial insemination and taking medicine, we feel like maybe we are not looking the way Heavenly Father wants us to. Month after month after month we get disappointed, sad, depressed that, once again, it is not our turn to get pregnant. I've been holding back on sharing this for a few reasons: 1- It's deeply personal, 2- It shows us (me) under a vulnerable situation, 3- It is a very sensitive subject. 4- I don't want to seem ungrateful for the blessings (and the boy) that we DO have. Although we love to see all the babies around us and hear all the pregnancy announcements, those always come with a heartbreak, some tears and a feeling of being left out or forgotten. So instead of feeling frustrated with each month that comes that we are not pregnant we are wondering if adoption would be the right thing for us. We are not 100% decided yet (this is no small decision here) but we are very serious considering it. We will meet with agencies and start taking steps toward that option. It has definitely been a great month. It seems like there might be new blessings promised to us.
Anyways, like I said September has been great. Josan has officially started Pre School and he loves it. He goes from Tuesday through Thursday from 12:30 to 3:00 and I have to admit it I more than need that to have some mommy time (which usually ends up in working out, showering and cleaning the house but hey! at least I ve got only myself to worry about!)
Josan's first day of Pre School!!
I'm not sure why but Josan loves all the creepy Halloween stuff.
Not the cute ones though: the scarier the better!
I know we've said this several times before but as of right now, Josan sleeps in his own bed. No fussing, no arguing, he just goes right in bed and sleeps in there until he wakes up
To "help" motivating him to sleep in his bed we got him his first golf clubs. He could not play with them until he was able to sleep on his own in his bed. He was so excited to get them! He also started watching golf with Adam. He loves that too. He'll say stuff like: "Dad, is that Tiger Woods, the greatest golf player in the world?" He sure is a Daddy's dream. And I love it.
We love hanging outside now that we don't get cooked out there anymore!
More fun times (inside is fun too!)
The boy LOVES to help me cook! He always has really but now that he is bigger and can help with anything its one of our favorite times together. I love to hear his ideas while we cook!
BYU vs Utah was, as usual, a big deal. But at least this year we got to visit with friends and we made a great trip out of it.
It was THAT time of the month (again) and Adam knew how sad I was. So after my Activity Days there was flowers and chocolate on my seat in the car. That made my day...
Awful picture i know! But the point is...no more RED! I miss my red hair so much already. But I'm really tired of having to dye it every month. So I'm trying to go to something a little more natural.
We had great times with friends too! Since we have zero family around amazing friends have to make up for that!:)
And this my friends, is why it was so imminent that Josan started sleeping in his own bed! I love waking up by my big boy every morning. But this is the view I have! And this is how he sleeps all night long too! Love my boy!