Wednesday, April 18, 2012

From Utah to Colorado

This post took me a while to do for 2 simple reasons: #1: Life has been VERY busy since we got here 3 weeks ago, and #2: I couldn't get myself into looking at all those moving pictures for quite some time after we moved. But here's our "moving" post.

This was pretty hard to live in for a day: we had to stay home to "supervise" the movers but then we didnt have a whole lot to do since..well everything we own was being packed! But that wasnt quite the worse...

...this was: seeing the house empty...
 ...and seeing our things go. That was it: That house was not our home anymore...

That day we couldnt live at our house anymore; nothing was left. So we had a hotel room in Layton. Josan and his best friend were so exausted...

This was a big surprise: For a couple of weeks I had been pretty down; i felt overwhlemed and pretty sad that NOBODY, not a single soul, (ok besides Jay, Lisa and the kids) had texted, facebooked or called me to see how I was doing, or to see us before we left. At times I was mad thinking people SHOULD care when someone close move out of state, but most of the anger was hiding how very sad I felt. I felt sad for choosing to leave dear friends and loving family in Quebec to come to a place where nobody even cared. I cried a lot. Swore a little but mostly cried a lot. Anyways, one night right before we left Adam was insisting on going to Chuck e cheese since we had never been while we had a house 10 minutes away from it (!). Adam can be kinda...different...that way; so i didnt argue. We got there and I recognized a couple of faces, but at that point I still had no idea that this was an organized surprise for me. More and more people kept coming and I couldnt believe that maybe people actually did care a little :)

After Chuck e Cheese we went to Kara and Lance's house to say goodbye. It was hard. But we made it without leaving a ocean of tears behind. We did do some crying. But we did pretty good. This is right after the tears episode:
 No wonder those 2 consider each other like brothers...
That was heart breaking. Josan and Keaton were the best of friends. They love each other so much!
(on this one you cant tell really but Keaton is hunging Josan from behind, Titanic style. It was pretty cute)

OKAY! This is the beginning of our adventure in Colorado. I'll post some pictures of the house we rent in the next post. (when the house is picturable!;))
Our first couple of days here were the weirdest thing! i thought that we'd all be depressed,  that josan would act all weird and stuff and that we'd be pretty much miserable. Josan did ask for his Keaton every day for the first few days, and we did get sad episodes here and there, but the weird thing is that, as soon as we set foot in our house, Josan started going around asking people's names, their favorite colors, if he could pet their dog or play with their toys. He also started trying "something new" pretty much each meal: a carrot, spinach, strawberries, lettuce, apples, veggies smoothies, fried calamari... If you know Josan the slightliest you know that if its not chips, popcorn or macaroni and cheese there s not a chance that it'll end up in his mouth right? Well new state new foods i guess! :)

Second day we got here: Josan found new friends. They live right next door and Josan plays with them almost every day. Their parents are super nice too. Good. It's a good start! :)

Josan and his body Jack for Easter

Josan and his scooter in front of our house (the one with the star) He already feels at home here!

We really have been happy here so far. My birthday was a little bit on the down side of things...Lots of little things build up to not such a great day: I hardly slept that night, was up early while the boys slept in, my brother couldnt call me, my dad just...didnt, I couldnt find the present my mom sent, our friends got sick and couldnt come over for cake and it was overall just another day: After church we had a nap, dinner and cake...just the 3 of us. It was a little pathetic to be honnest. But my boys showed me love and that's what's important. Adam spoiled me rotten and Josan was just so sweet.

Adam took me shopping 'til I couldnt handle it. And even we gotto ride the little mall train!:)

My boy hung out with me all day!
 nap time

Overall Colorado's amazing to us. We do ache for utah once in a while. But i think after a while we'll feel like home here.


Mills Family said...

good to see the pics of the new place in utah. It is a wierd thing to move out of state I bet. Jay and I have done a lot of moving in our 16 years of marriage...but it's all been within the state of utah. Moving is always a hard thing every time though. It alwyays takes me a year to finally feel settled all the way. Things are clicking for you guys with new friends for Josan and new friends for you guys. I hope that Adam is liking his job out there. I'm sure he is and is doing a great job! Being patient with Change is hard to do...but it is the patience that helps the most of all. Wishing for things to be better too quick can get to thoughts of discouragemet. Glad that you had a fun good-bye party in Utah before you left. The pics were fun to see. I bet that before long you will have new friends that will feel like "family-away from home". Keep us posted on how it is all going. Josan sure is a friendly cute little guy :) Keep posting pictures :)

Mills Family said...

oops!...I meant to say "good to see the pics of the new place in Colorado! sorry. It is late. and my brain turned off an hour ago. time for bed! ;)

Tammy said...

Josan looks great! We sure miss seeing him...It was funny last Sunday when I heard the door open and could hear all the kids get excited...It ended up being Taryn's friend from Vermont, but I was seriously expecting to see Josan come running through the house...Then, I remembered where he was...We miss that boy!

Lisa Fox said...

I know exactly how hard it is to move. It's exciting and scary and thrilling and terrifying..all in one. I give you guys so much credit for taking this oppurtunity and running with it. You guys are obviously strong and support each other and that's exactly what you need right now. The one great benefit is realizing how much you grow as a family when you go through so much change. Good luck guys and thank you for all the fun pictures!

Amy said...

Thanks for the update! Keep the blog updated we love to check in with you guys. That's cool that Josan is eating new food, maybe Jackson will soon.