Tuesday, June 12, 2012


A couple weeks ago we got a call from the bishop wanting to meet with me. I was very much so planning on refusing any calling he had in mind for me; every time that we've moved to a new ward I had been called as a sunbeam teacher within 2 months and this whole thing was making it pretty hard to socialize with adults and i just felt like I was nothing but a 3 years old 24/7. Anyways all that to say that I was ready to say NO. It was just a matter of finding the right time during the interview.
Well after talking to us for a little bit, all I found myself saying to the bishop was: "Ok! Of course Bishop!" And there I was; on my way to second counseller in the primary. I love kids, dont get me wrong, and i love serving in the church. I'm just not sure if it was that good of an idea to put me in charges of like 75 kids I dont know one bit about. But it'll be fun I'm sure. This coming Sunday will be very challenging though: On top of doing my first time conducting primary AND doing sharing time, Adam and I have been asked to talk in Sacrement. So those poor kids are gonna hear me talking for ever and ever! This is already keeping me up at night: I keep trying to plan things out, find what to say and how, and just plain freak out. Let's see how that goes!

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

Oh ,you'll do great and you'll love it especially in time as you get a few weeks under your feet. Great calling! Keep us posted on how it all goes!