Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Last update for now: Just the 3 of us...and that's ok like that

Well... the whole world knows by now that we've been trying to get pregnant for about 3 years...without results. We did have a very early miscariage a few months ago, but nothing else. We tried Artificial Inciminations with no success. We've been pretty sad about this. The doctors say that we're both normal (minus the 1 in. cyst I ve got on my left side) and we shouldnt have any problem getting pregnant. Yeah right...BUT after praying, praying, crying, more praying and more crying, we decided to stop. No more trying. We obviously wont prevent a pregnancy but we decided that, even if we end up with only one child, it's perfectly fine with us. We are happy again :)

Plus, we really did get blessed beyond understanding with Josan
He truly is a blessing every day. He is the sweetest, most helpful, most
understanding and most fun little boy in the world.

We definitly will be happy to have "just this one"